Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentine’s Banquet

Every year my church decides to have a Valentine’s get-together for the married couples. They are usually organized by several married individuals, and there are absolutely no children allowed. Well, this year someone decided it would be a good idea to have a formal dinner where the kids serve the adults. I am not sure who came up with this idea, but it was definitely a success. I think from now on, a formal dinner is in order.

The evening was a great experience all around. The adults were provided with an extremely cheap night out where they could eat good food, socialize, and be entertained and served. The kids got the opportunity to experience serving, working as a team, and exhaust themselves to help  others. There were SO many people who helped out in various capacities such as providing decor, loaning china sets, cooking food, cleaning dishes, etc. All I can say is that after last night I am overwhelmed by how much God has blessed our church. He has given so many people creative minds, hard working spirits, and serving hearts. And for all of that, I am very grateful.

I have just a few pictures that barely cover what all went into the event last night. I wish I had a picture of every person that contributed so much of their time and energy. I wish I had a picture of the beautiful place settings and food. I wish I had pictures of all the lovely couples in attendance. I wish I had pictures of more decorations and details. We really needed a designated photographer, but I managed to steal a few shots between all of the craziness of preparing and the kitchen duties last night.  Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the photos! They certainly do not do justice to the real experience.

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1. & 2. Sam and Mark practicing the day before the big event. Not pictured are multiple people setting up the hall and decorating.

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3. Laura found these adorable mini flowers to decorate the place cards. Are they not precious?                                                                                    4. My parent’s place cards. These are a sampling of mine and Laura’s efforts at the art of place card making.

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5. The map of the Server’s Hall.                                                                      6. The schedule.

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7. Anna Kate Minyard. This is the lovely lady who orchestrated last night. God has certainly blessed this young lady with multiple talents (organizing, managing, and singing to name a few), and everyone who she comes in contact with is in turn blessed. I am so thankful God put her in my life!                                                                                                         8. Myself, Anna Kate, and Laura. The “Kitchen Queens”.

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9. The servers. I am not sure that this is everyone, but I cannot express how much they helped and did so with serving and willing hearts. They were definitely another one of God’s blessings last night.                           10. The Drop Bears: Mark, Anna Kate, and Sam were the entertainers for last night.

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11. Decor.                                                                                                         12. The hall.

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13. & 14. The Drop Bears giving a wonderful performance. Sam and Mark started off the evening by playing various selections from Jack Johnson to Elvis. However, Anna Kate surprised everyone half-way through and joined the boys. These guys did a FANTASTIC job. I wish everyone could have heard them. I honestly think they did just as good or better than the originals.

Here are a few of my favorites that they performed. If these are not in your music library, you need to remedy this infraction asap! I promise, if you are anything like me, you will not be able to stop listening to the catchy lyrics and beautiful music.

“The Girl” by City and Colour

“The Way I Am” by Ingrid Michaelson

“Forget Me Not” by The Civil Wars

Again, I am so thankful to everyone who helped make last night a success. It was a wonderful experience, and I am ready to do it again next year.

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