Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Week, Instagram Style #6

I am yet again late for the weekly link up with Jenni. Despite my tardiness, I hope you enjoy my week in pictures!

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1. On Tuesday, the sweetest couple came to my Spanish Conversations class and spoke to us entirely in Spanish about themselves and their travels. They are SO in love after more than forty years of traveling the world and being missionaries together. And guess what, the man happens to be my professor’s brother! Also, sorry the picture isn’t that great. I had to be super sneaky and covert so I would not get caught using my phone in class.

2. Wednesday after trivia there was a Sadie Hawkins dance, and Dandy and (most of) the Lions gave a performance. True to the their folksy style, they wore nothing but overalls. It was pretty grand.

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3. I worked at the annual Farm and Gin show all day Friday and Saturday. I remember as a kid loving to go with my dad to the gin shows to crawl on farm equipment, meet people my dad worked with, and get free stuff. Needless to say, I experienced some nostalgia.

4. Myself and a sweet girl from my church, Karah, behind the pre-registration area. Actually, almost everyone who worked this area was from my church. I very much enjoyed working back there because of all the interesting people we got to meet and assist. Also, if you look in the distance you can see my father in a blue shirt checking in and chatting at the Presenter’s registration area. He worked at his company’s booth on Friday, and I got to slip away a couple times to visit with him. :)

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5. This is an example of the farm equipment on display. I mean seriously, look at that monster. As a kid, who wouldn’t love to come crawl around on one of those?

6. Pretty flowers my dad got for mom on their 40th wedding anniversary.

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7. My grandmother had a stroke on Thursday, and Sunday night I went up to Baptist hospital and spent some time with her. I enjoyed talking to her and hearing old stories. She is doing pretty well, but she does not have full control over her left side. Please keep her in your prayers.

8. I picked this book up again on a random whim this weekend. I read it on a trip to Canada in the summer of ‘09, but I was definitely in a different place than I am now. I think I am more open to what this book has to say than I was almost three years ago. Back then, I was trying to fit the book’s message into my circumstances and resisted some basic truths that I did not want to see. Now, I realize the book’s message of God’s sovereignty over every aspect in our lives and relationships  is pertinent at all times, no matter the circumstances.  While being encouraging and real, this book also makes me see God’s glory even more and the fact that no matter what, I am to trust and praise Him.

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