Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What I’m Loving Wednesday!


Today I decided to do my first link up series with Jamie called “What I’m Loving Wednesday”. And what is not to love about posting what makes you happy? People constantly talk about what is wrong with life, and the more I live, the more I realize there are so many little joys everyday, all day that we take for granted. With that said, here is what I am loving on this fabulous, rainy Wednesday.

First, I am loving my new class schedule for this semester

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This semester I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Can you believe it? I certainly can’t! I am still pinching myself to make sure this is real. Never before in my three years at DSU have I had a semester where I did not go Monday through Friday. My wonderful schedule means that I can come home earlier and stay later if I want, and there is something so freeing about the fact that I am not obligated to be in Cleveland for the majority of my week. This also means that my Wednesdays are free…at least until I start back to work (which I also love).

Secondly, I am loving the fact that there is so much love in the air.

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Lately, I have had some wonderful ladies in my life become blessed with godly men who have stepped forth to claim their hand and heart. Each of these ladies have a beautiful and unique love story that could only have been written by the author of love Himself. In May, my oldest friend is getting married, and I am to be her maid of honor (happy dance ensues). And, I can hear not too distant wedding bells for many more of my close friends. My fellow blogger and DSU pal, Amber Grace, just became engaged, and her man gave her one of the most thoughtful and detailed proposals I have ever seen. Check out this wonderful love story here. It is definitely worth reading from start to finish!

Thirdly, I love having a free gym at my access.

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I sure have enjoyed being home for the break, but I must admit working out comes much easier being at school when there is a gym right across from my dorm. The above picture is what I saw waiting for me this morning as I reluctantly dragged my feet in there at 6 a.m. The far left ellipticals were practically screaming mine and Amber Marie’s name. After four miles of glute kicker on the elliptical, abs, and stretches, I know I will be feeling the effects of an inactive Christmas break. That is ok though, because it means there is room to improve and strengthen, and the soreness is proof I am doing something about it.

These are just a small portion of what I love this Wednesday. What about you?


Kristen said...

SO jealous of your schedule. haha I miss those days....enjoy it while you can!

Amber Marie said...

:))) This post looks great, friend! I must have taught you something while I was asleep, but we all know I am a PROFESSIONAL sleep talker! I'm LOVING that you are blogging, my friend!

Amber Grace said...

I am loving YOU and your awesome new blog!!! I love the name of it and its meaning! I can't wait to read more!! BTW we need to hang out soon! Christmas break was a long time to go without hanging out! Love You sister!
P.s. Thanks so much for the shout out!! :D it truly was/is God's handiwork. I'm so excited that so many people are praising His work And giving Him glory through this :)

Olivia said...

Kristen, thank you for checking out the blog, and I am plan on enjoying every minute of it! My Ambers, thanks for the encouragement! I am loving you and your blogs too! Amber Grace, I definitely agree. I need to be blinded by the sparkle of the ring in person.

Jen said...

I used to do all Tues./Thurs. classes! That was the best!