Friday, March 9, 2012

Confessional Friday

  • The opening monologue from Sabrina is one of my favorites.
  • The closing monologue by Puck from A Midsummer Night’s Dream is also one of my favorites.
  • I want to read the Hunger Games.
  • I find it sad when people do not try their best and give up because things get too hard.
  • One of my first memories is spilling chocolate milk on my arm when I was about three. I remember wiping off the milk and screaming and crying because there was a spot that wouldn’t come off. I thought I had stained my skin, but in reality, I had discovered a birthmark.
  • I get angry and frustrated when I do not fully understand something. I will keep asking questions until I get sufficient information, and then after I know what I need to know, I usually forget about it or don’t think about it again. This can be a blessing most of the time, but it can be a curse with class work.
  • I do not handle scary movies well at all. The only slightly scary movie I have seen is Signs, and I wasn’t right after seeing that for months.
  • My favorite color is red, but I mostly buy turquoise things.
  • I really prefer to have other people drive me, because I get nervous while driving.
  • Speaking of driving, I thought I was going to die yesterday while driving home. There were streamline winds, and myself and several other cars had to pull over while our cars shook and objects were being thrown against them.
  • Also, when I am in the car and I get scared I tend to cuss. I’ll admit, it is usually the “s” word.
  • When I am scared I get mean.
  • If I could, I would wear a dress everyday.
  • I have a collection of heart shaped rocks.
  • Photo booth pictures are some of the best to me. I love the spontaneity they capture.
  • I like men with talent.
  • To further prove my above point, as a child I wanted to marry men like Aladdin, Luke Skywalker, and Robin Hood. They were the best of the best, and I now realize this is a pattern. I like when a guy is the best at something, no matter how insignificant it may be.
  • Now, I would really like to marry Gilbert Blythe. What is his talent you may ask: putting up with one of the most difficult women in the world, Anne Shirley, all with a smile on his face and love in his heart.
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Amber Marie said...

Oh, Puck.
So are you skipping Twilight ans going straight to hunger games?
I shall never give up!!! I HATE scary movies!!! I LOVE turquoise! I enjoy Red deeply! :) I love people driving me because gas prices are ridiculous and STAY ON YOUR SIDE!"I like men with talent." I agree. p.s. Chad can slack line, mountain bike, rock on and so on...:) P.s.s. you're AMAZING AND MY BEST FRIEND!

Anna Kate said...

*laugh* The one about driving... don't I know it! I love your honesty. Good times for sure.

Olivia said...

Amber, I love how you made a comment on nearly every point! It made me smile, kinda like this :) only bigger. Also, yes, I am glad that Chad has many talents ;)

Anna Kate, 'tis a bad habit that I am definitely trying to break. Also, I'm loving that you are now participating in the honesty blogs.

Nicole Calvert Boettcher said...

Ha. I read Anne of Green Gables when I was in fifth grade. This is when I realized that fictional men (boys at that point, I guess) were infinitely better than the real ones. I currently have a list of about 10 fictional men (from movies, tv, books) that I would leave Caleb for in a heart beat...I thought I was the only weird one who thought things like that. :)

Olivia said...

Hahahaha, Nicole you are hilarious. I want to know who these lucky men are :)