Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What I’m Loving Wednesday

So, yesterday was Valentine’s, and I must admit that I absolutely love this holiday. I remember as a child being incensed at the fact that the public school system did not recognize this as a holiday that validated a day off. This holiday also promoted my favorite color red and hearts. I also think that I loved this holiday so much because my dad in many ways took over the card and gift. I mean, let’s be honest. Usually, every other holiday mom would do the shopping, but for some unknown reason my dad would decide to get involved. He always picked out the best cards and wrote some of the sweetest notes. He would also choose gifts that showed me he really understood my personality and put a great deal of thought into the gift. I think as a young girl and teenager I enjoyed the reminder that my daddy was forever my biggest fan and a guy who would never stop loving me. And, now as a young woman, I realize this fact without the reminder of Valentine’s day. All that said, I have some very fond memories of this holiday, and I have some fun pictures to share that describe my Valentine’s experience this year and why I’m loving it.

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1. & 2. Remember these? Well, Sunday night I decided to make cookies that said “Happy Valentines” and “Lots of Love”.

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3. This was one of my best cookies. It is actually legible. I decided it should go to my professor/coworker, Mike Smith, because he always complains about how no one considers him on Valentine’s. Well, by-golly, I was considerate and gave him the best.                                                       4. This picture depicts what the majority of my cookies looked like: a hot, unreadable mess. They definitely do not look like the cookies on the box cover, and I will most definitely have to do some internet research before I attempt another batch. Needless to say, everyone else received failed attempts at cute Valentine’s cookies. Myself and the recipients all got some pretty good laughs at my pitiful cookies.

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5. & 6. This was a craft I found on Pinterest. I used paint samples and a heart punch to make this threaded garland. I sent this little Valentine’s happy to one of my best friends, Sydney, who is working her tail off at the Air Force Academy in Colorado. I could not think of another person who better deserved a happy.

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7. This was my Valentine’s present from my parents. They know how much I love trees and got me this cute pendant!                                          8. This was a Valentine’s gift from Amber. She was so thoughtful, and like a good English major she gave me a card with a cheesy pun: “Look it is Cupig”. You know it is funny.

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9. Dr. Ford brought Dove milk chocolates to all of the Writing Center workers at today’s meeting. When I opened the first one, all I saw was “Exercise today”. I was taken aback. Then I read further and it told me to “Exercise your heart today”. We all got a good laugh out of it, and Amber decided to make some minor adjustments to the message. Jerk.                 10. Here was some of the other sayings that my coworkers gave me to make me feel better. One told me that “The best things in life are chocolate” and the other told me to “Believe in those you love”. They were definitely better than the chocolate telling me to go exercise.

I hope your Wednesday and Valentine’s Day was wonderful!


Nicole Calvert Boettcher said...

Your cookies made me LOL. And I got some of that dove chocolate and I was kind of confused about what it meant to "exercise my heart"...I took it as "go do a bunch of cardio and get your blood pumping so you don't die of heart disease"
I did not think this was an appropriate Valentine's message.

Amber Marie said...

he he he! Loooooove you!

p.s. exercise today!
Juuuuuust kidding!
Eat chocolate today! Everyday. Forever. :)

Abbey said...

That garland is so cute! I'm hoping to make some for my friend's bridal shower. :)